Friday, October 24, 2008

Things on my mind

It's been awhile now.
But there is always this something on my mind.
I want to say it, speak it... but again, I don't know how to.
I would love to blog it... but yet again, I am too scare to do so.
Sorry to my reader should you find this rather puzzling.
I have to admit, I don't even know myself what I want to do.

I guess, to make things a bit clear, but just a bit...
is that.. there is something on my mind that's bothering me...
something I would like to say to someone but... should there be any consequences,
I don't think I am ready to face and deal with.
However, at the same time, the 'wanting to say it' is rather suffocating.

So... I think I am blogging like this, probably trying to let out some of the suffocation.

Sigh... sometimes I wonder whether I would just live through my life till the end of my days...
without ever doing anything about this 'thing' that's on my mind.
I know, this will be on me until I have done something about it~!
Sigh.... what should I do?

Another year went by...

"Yup... another year..."
that was on my mind for the last week.
And then looking at this blog of mine...
wow... it has been a year since I last post.
"Yup... seriously.. another year.. already~!!!"

I was my birthday 2 days ago and I went for a very nice dinner tonight.
I can't really remember since when, but I would make sure I have this dinner for my birthday.
I would look forward to it every year this time to have this dinner.
Oh... mm... it may not be the same restaurants every year, but no matter where, they would definitely have something in common.
It is this "common ground" that I would look forward to.

Again, a lot has happened in this year.
Well... for those close to me would prob see this as a norm for my life.
However, overall, it has been a good year.
Although work has been extremely hectic and that unbelievably, I have been sick pretty much continuously for 4 months, still sick and still got no time to build up my immune system becoz of all the stress, I am still enjoying my work. (x_x" crazy eh?)
Life outside work has been pretty good too... not much to complain.
I do hope though, that the coming year would not be so busy.
I hope to be able to do the things I like to do.
And not just doing things I need to do.

Oh... mmm.. not very sure whether anyone is going to read this blog since I haven't post for so long.
But still, I would like to thank those who has texted me, called me, facebooked me or emailed me to wish me happy birthday.
Thank you God for giving all the friends around me. I am sure the coming year would be great as I would follow what you have got in place for me~!